Communication design  |

24 Sep


  • alchemist
  • Branding Image

  • Alchemist transforms materials in order to elevate performance.
    It is from these conditions and goals that Alchemist was created. The company produces carbon fibre components for bicycles - Mountain Bikes, Cross Country bikes and Marathon bikes. Each piece is numbered as it is produced by hand in accordance to what we can now define as a new tradition of craftsmen that is entirely made in Italy, and which has become hi-tech. Alchemist parts represent the highest choice for sporting professionals and demanding amateurs.
    Manifactory ha seguito questa importante start-up, dando forma alle idee del fondatore di Alchemist attraverso tutti gli elementi della comunicazione, dal logo aziendale agli strumenti di vendita come il catalogo prodotto e l'e-commerce aziendale. Una nota di rilievo va al sistema di icone, alla personalizzazione dei prodotti in fase di renderizzazione del prodotto e alla progettazione dello stand di Expobici 2012.

    Alchemist trasforma la materia per elevare la performance.
    Da questi presupposti e obbiettivi nasce Alchemist. L'azienda produce componenti in carbonio per biciclette da mountain bike e cross country. Ogni pezzo è numerato perché prodotto a mano secondo quella che si può definire una nuova tradizione nella quale l'artigianato, completamente made in Italy, diventa hi-tech. I pezzi Alchemist rappresentano la miglior scelta per sportivi professionisti e amatori esigenti.
    Manifactory ha seguito questa importante start-up, dando forma alle idee del fondatore di Alchemist attraverso tutti gli elementi della comunicazione, dal logo aziendale agli strumenti di vendita come il catalogo prodotto e l'e-commerce aziendale. Una nota di rilievo va al sistema di icone, alla personalizzazione dei prodotti in fase di renderizzazione del prodotto e alla progettazione dello stand di Expobici 2012.

  • Ispiration page
  • Logo and Corporate Identity
    Alchemist has salvaged the charm of the alchemist’s ancient symbols, by adopting the emblematic representation of an alchemic animal as its logo: the uroborus is a snake which eats its own tail thus continuously regenerating itself; it represents a life cycle of things, of infinity of one and all. The Figure of uroborus appears both simplified for the company logo and more figurative in the illustrated form.

    Logo e Immagine coordinata
    Alchemist recupera il fascino degli antichi simboli dell'alchimia adottando come logo proprio una raffigurazione emblematica di un animale alchemico: l'uroboro è il serpente che si mangia la coda rigenerandosi continuamente, a rappresentazione della ciclicità delle cose, dell'infinito, dell'uno e del tutto. La figura dell'uroboro compare sia semplificata nel logo aziendale che in forma illustrata più figurativa.

  • Logo Structure
  • Logo
  • Uroboro Graphic Element - Head
  • Uroboro Graphic Elements - Scale
  • Uroboro Graphic Elements
  • Corporate Identity
  • Type Face
  • Icons

    has been studied and developed a complex system of icons that explain each technical characteristic of the individual elements in carbon.

    È stato studiato e realizzato un complesso sistema di icone che spiegano ogni caratteristica tecnica dei singoli elementi in carbonio.

  • Icons particular
  • Icons System
  • Personalization of products
    Manifactory outlined the elements and the rules by which the products have been personalized. It also oversaw the rendering.

    Personalizzazione dei prodotti
    Manifactory ha delineato gli elementi e le regole con i quali sono stati personalizzati i prodotti. Ha inoltre supervisionato la renderizzazione.

  • Alchemist Race Team Uniform
  • Graphic Application on the Rims
  • Graphic Application on the Handbar
  • Product Catalogue
    The catalog illustrates concisely all the products explaining exhaustively all the technical and assembly characteristics. Specifically wheels, handlebars, hubs and complete wheels.

    Catalogo Prodotti
    Il catalogo prodotti illustra in modo sintetico tutti i prodotti spiegandone in maniera esaustiva tutte le caratteristiche tecniche e di montaggio. Nello specifico cerchi, manubri, mozzi e ruote complete.

  • Product Catalogue
  • Product Catalogue
  • Product Catalogue
  • Product Catalogue
  • Product Catalogue
  • Advertising
  • Advertising
  • Stand
    Manifactory designed the entire stand and all its elements like the exhibition of products and all the graphics present in the exhibition of the fair.

    Manifactory ha progettato l'intero stand e tutti gli elementi che lo compongono come il sistema espositivo dei prodotti e tutte le grafiche presenti nell'esposizione fieristica.

  • Stand Project
  • Stand
  • Stand
  • Stand
  • E-commerce
    Manifactory has designed the template and the scenarios of navigation both for the institutional part and the e-commerce.

    Manifactory ha progettato l'alberatura, il template e gli scenari di navigazione sia della parte istituzionale che dell'e-commerce.

  • Web Site
  • Web Site
  • E-Commerce
  • To get to know the world of Alchemist visit the website
    Per conoscere da vicino tutto il mondo Alchemist visita il sito
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Manifactory si occupa di design della comunicazione ovvero della progettazione, dalla strategia all'esecuzione tecnica, di  qualsiasi prodotto di comunicazione.

Manifactory deals with the design of the communication, which means to plan any communication products from the strategy to their technical realizations.

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Corporate portfolio

Manifactory is a communication agency which deals in design of the corporate identity, from the strategy to the technical implementation.
Basing on the brief collected with the client, we develop a marketing plan which leads to the achievement of the fixed objective, which is typically the affirmation of the brand. The operation defines the visual and concept mood board which is applied in the implementation of the coordinate identity and is declined in each advertising operation. Everything happens according to a logic optimization of timing, procedures and operational tools, with continuous monitoring of the progress of the work and its quality.
The creation of the logo is just the beginning, the application rules are outlined in the manual (see for example the gallery of The extension of the communication project can be very wide and can involve the products, the website or the stand for a fair (like the galleries of Alchemist or those of Bruel Volleyball Bassano). Sometimes our contribution is limited to the realization of a single specific product (like the poster for RayBan or the video for Falmec).

Illustration portfolio

The Manifactory's illustrations portfolio is made of technically diverse artworks (pencil, vector, photorealism, digital art, …). They have been realized for different purposes (posters, advertising campaigns, caricatures and character designs for video games and corporate). David Sossella and Sara Penco are the illustrators of Manifactory. The creative quality expressed in this area has been recognized on numerous occasions by different blogs and portals like Behance as well as appreciated by our partners and customers.

Blogging portfolio

The activity of content manager is crossing media and includes the production of contents for blogs and social networks with the aim of affirming the brand identity, improving their customer loyalty and helping their positioning.

Clockwork's portfolio

clockwork Clockwork and Manifactory joined forces for the realization of video animation projects.
The activity that characterizes the two agencies is so complementary that, after a series of successful collaborations, they have entered into a partnership agreement. Manifactory will deal with creativity and design of the background and characters, while Clockwork will take care of the production of 3D animation videos.
Manifactory invites you to take a look to Clockwork's portfolio where you will see prestigious, quality-wise flawless videos.



Spot, character animation.

Chevrolet Heartbeat

Commercials, automotive. 3D stereoscopic.


Webepisodes, animation.

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