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04 Sep

The exhibition Gusto Robusto


Our self published and indipendent project Gusto Robusto, that has the aim to promote vectorial technique as art, becomes a collective exhibition during TCBF (Treviso Comic Book Festival).  For this event we made new series n° 3,4,5 and 6. Asking to the most important illustratos 16 exclusively illustrations.
At Ca' dei Ricchi in Treviso, from September 25th 2015, you'll see: 3
 new color palette, 1 black&white Special Edition and an artwork by Gloria Pizzilli -who won Excellence award by Communication Art 2015 with "Seta" made for Gusto Robusto- created thinking to Masiero, main sponsor of the exhibition.

The exhibition "Gusto Robusto. Vectorial art prints" is the most important of the Internazional Festival of Comics and Illustration opens with the most awated event: Custom Night. 18 of the illustrators part of the collective will be there will draw live.

Artists of the collective are:

  • Orlando Arocena

  • Jonathan Ball

  • Roberto Hikimi Blefari

  • Francesco Bongiorni

  • Mirko Càmia

  • Cranio Design

  • Ginger Monkey

  • Alessandro Shout Gottardo

  • Maria Grønlund

  • Brandon Johnson

  • Fabio Marangoni

  • Andrea Minini

  • Sara Penco

  • Gloria Pizzilli

  • Marco Goran Romano

  • Marta Sorte

  • David Sossella

  • Francesco Sposato

  • Tokyoplastic

  • Fabrizio Morra, won of the contet!


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